Faith & Mystery - Both Essential!

"There are things about God we can only take on faith because God has revealed them to us. While not opposed to reason, they are beyond reason: if the only way open to us for the knowledge of God were solely that of reason, the human race would remain in the blackest shadows of ignorance' 1...[Yet] "God has put enough into this world to make faith in Him a most reasonable thing; but He has left enough out to make it impossible to live by reason alone." 2 [Because] "Faith and mystery are codependent; eliminate one and you destroy the other. Faith cannot be faith once it is fully explained and the mystery is gone. Remember the maxim: 'Great truths are like butterflies - you kill them when you pin them down." 3

1 Thomas Aquinas, 2 "Why Jesus?" - Ravi Zacharias, 3 "A Thirst For Meaning' - Calvin Miller