21st Century 'Spirituality'?

I am finding it hard to believe just how religious and spiritual the world is becoming.  Everywhere I go I see people in worship and prayer.On the bus to school, on the train and plane…
In the classroom, the bedroom, the office and outdoors….
Everywhere I look people are bowing their heads to focus, meditate and commune.  Have a look at what I mean next time you see a group of people.  Many will have their heads bowed, their hands together in front of them, they will be mumbling to themselves it appears (some even singing as part of their worship), often with earplugs to stop distractions and it’s all done to the exclusion of others.
What sacrifice?!  What devotion?!
For some it must be a vow of silence as they no longer communicate.
For others a vow of celibacy as there is no physical interaction or meaningful relationships.
For others it’s abstinence as they are committed to not consuming anything except what can be purchased online.
But it’s time for me to journey home and the bus is about to move.  I must be seated….
Let us play:
Our Google, which is in cyber space
Wikipedia be your name
Your info come, your directions however accurate be done
On Earth as they are above
Give us today our daily news
Forgive us our imperfections as we forgive those who Facebook against us
And lead us not into temptation, by denying us access to all evil
For yours is the kingdom heart, the games, apps, power and glory
Since the late 1980’s, now and forever more - 
by Guest Blogger, Paul Tolliday 02/02/14 copyright